Two of my blessings

Two of my blessings

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Been a few.

I'm getting closer and closer to my due date. I'm almost 36 weeks along. For the most part, this has been an enjoyable pregnancy. Except for the aches and pains, but you know what, giving life to someone, it's well worth it. I'm finally at a happy and satisfying point in my life. I have the ideal family I always dreamed of, 2 boys a girl, pets, a great home to raise them in, and a wonderful and amazing husband who made it all possible. And now he's even talking about plans of getting a contracting job next month so I don't even have to return to the horrible work place that always puts me in such a bad mood. I truly am blessed.

         I had friends throw me a baby shower a few days ago and I appreciate all the work and time and money they put into it so much.   It truly meant the world to me that they did that for me. I'm happy to have made a new friend that tries to do things with me and give me a life outside of the mommy world.
             My last day of work is the 23rd but I'm hoping it's sooner than that. If this little guy is anything like his big brother and sister, he will be here no later than 2 weeks. Summer is the cutest thing. It just saddens me sometimes that she didn't get to be the baby for very long. But at least I know she is going to be thrilled when he gets here and I know she is going to be an awesome big sister and help out as much as she can. Probably too much, lol. And Alex is excited that he's gonna have another boy to play with. I'm scared, very much so of what it's gonna be like when he gets here and especially if Bryce gets this job working 12 hour days plus motomart, he's gonna be gone a lot and it's gonna be up to me to take care of the three rugrats all on my own. that's the only part I don't like about it. Summer may be able to start head start next year and so that will help out a lot with 2 of them in school.
       Well, I guess I will close this now. Enjoy your happy cheerful blog post from me, they don't come around that often lol.

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